Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Cause And Effects Of The War Of 1812 - 1061 Words

Edgar Vasquez Mr. Gill AP USH 9 October 2017 War of 1812 The War of 1812 is one of many wars that the USA will go through. The war is the first war that the new America would take part of and will be the first time the USA will declare war. The war lasted from June of 1813 to February of 1815, this is a span of two years and eight months. The war was fought by the United State verses the British. The war took place in many locations around the world which include the United States, Canada, on the high seas, New York, Michigan, and provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Some American faced Native American foes in the territories of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. The was started when many of the Americans felt as if the British had not†¦show more content†¦On March the fourth of 1811 the twelfth United States Congress is elected (d). The new congress convened in Washington, the congress was heavily influenced by representative, elected from the southern and western districts, the districts were done with British treatment of the Unite d States (e). On June the 18 of 1812 the Senate voted 19 to 13 to declare war against Great Britain, the House of Representative passed a similar war measure by a vote of 79 to 49 (f). The first major battle in the war of 1812 was a lost for the US, General William Hull was leading an American army of 2,200 men but surrenders to British forces at Detroit without firing a single shot (g). The battle of Queenston Heights is another lost for the Americans in the second major battle of the war of 1812, the New York state militia refused to to Follow Van Rennsselaer across the border. On October 25 of 1812 Captain Stephen Decatur was commanding the USS United States, the ship captures the Macedonian a British warship. On December the second of 1812 James Madison is re-elected (h). The battle of Lake Erie was a ten hour naval battle that ends with the British defeated and give control of the lake to the US. On the American side Captain Oliver Hazard Perry leads a squadron of ten ships against a British fleet of six vessels. In September of 1813 General William Henry Harrison leads a force of 4,500 Americans across the secured Lake Erie in the pursuit ofShow MoreRelatedCauses and Effects of the War of 18121527 Words   |  7 PagesCauses and Effects of The War of 1812 The nineteenth century brought major change to The United States turning it from a developing country into a world power. The addition of Alaska, Oregon, Texas, and Florida, the Mexican Cession and The Louisiana Purchase made The United States a world power. The War of 1812 catalyzed this great expansion. There were four main concerns that led to The War of 1812. Maritime and trade issues, the Embargo Act, territorial expansion, and War Hawks. 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The results of the war include the fact that there was no clear winner or loser among them. The only real losers in the situation were the Natives in the region. They were driven out of their lands and customs. None of the borders was changed by the war, though many attemp ts were made. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, did nothingRead More The War of 1812 Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pages The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and England. Ending in 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent, the war did not accomplish any of the issues it was being fought over. For the US, the War of 1812 seemed to just be one failure after another. Although the military suffered great failure during the war, these were the direct consequence of the failure of the citizens to unite for the causes of the war. 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